As a MEBP participating Employer, your obligation to new employees is to inform them of the Municipal Employees Benefit Program and of the Plan(s) that you participate in and coverages available to them. Refer to the MEBP Benefit Booklets for additional details about each Plan and the coverage offered.
All new employees are to be informed:
- Of when they will meet the compulsory enrollment requirements of MEBP,
- That enrollment in MEBP is a condition of employment when the compulsory eligibility requirements have been met,
- That if they are not yet eligible for compulsory enrollment, voluntary enrollment may be available,
- Of the costs and deductions required for the Plan(s) they are being enrolled in,
- That probationary periods, if any, can be purchased through the pension buyback process,
- Of the MEBP website, and
- Where they can find the Benefit Booklets and the MEBP office contact information in order to obtain additional information.
It is your responsibility to enroll new employees in MEBP as soon the eligibility requirements for enrolment are met. All applicable enrollment form(s) and documentation are to be submitted to the MEBP Administration Office in a timely manner.
It is the Employer’s responsibility to be familiar with the eligibility conditions of the MEBP plans, the employment contracts and/or Collective Agreements of their employees to ensure that new employees are enrolled in MEBP at the proper time.